
Welcome to the Warm Body Cold Mind official website, where we aim to provide our audience with trusted and reliable information concerning their training regime, nutrition, and sports garment reviews to support their fitness goals and encourage for better results.

Having immense experience in weightlifting and other strength-oriented sports, our great team of professional weightlifters, sports and condition experts, personal trainers, and nutritionists is committed to providing readers with high-quality and trustworthy content backed by credible and reasonable sources.

We follow the defined principles to vouch for the relevance, accuracy, and integrity of the information on the website. We guarantee to present only fact-checked data reviewed by subject-matter experts in the particular area. All the scientific statements are supported by reliable and accurate references to trusted sources.

Additionally, we provide the audience with independent and impartial reviews and guides of the best products, i.e. training equipment, weightlifting gear and apparel, workout plans, and supplements.

Mission and Purpose of Writing Articles

We believe that everyone who takes up sports can achieve great results, particularly in weightlifting, regardless of experience, strength, or lifting capability. On the contrary, we’ll eagerly help you to achieve your goals in this kind of sport.

Our mission is to provide solid and trusted content regarding:

  • sports equipment & apparel reviews
  • exercises using these training accessories
  • nutrition plans
  • resolving injuries
  • guides for strength programming, etc

That will promote your progress in any sport. We’re at your service to help you choose fitting training and nutrition plans to achieve your fitness goals and even improve your personal bests.

We also highlight the news in the weightlifting world, including up-to-date sports news and shooting interviews with famous lifters.

We want to share more knowledge about sports in general and inspire people to take up any discipline they’ll find fitting for them. For this purpose, we are creating a place where both beginner and advanced athletes will find vital and beneficial information and advice.

Our Author Team

Our strong team of writers and researchers are profound experts in the sports area and in weightlifting in particular. Moreover, some of them are not just exemplary content writers — they are professional athletes, scientists, dietitians, nutritionists, rehab therapists, and personal trainers. When crafting articles backed by scientific facts, they do their best to convey the meaning clearly and explain complex facts in plain language.

We follow the motto “For Athletes by Athletes.” A great part of the website content is written by professional weightlifters, S&C trainers, and personal coaches. Training programs and nutrition plans are written by experienced athletes and certified nutritionists.

Our meticulous and credible authors strive to meet the demands of athletes of all levels, no matter how great their sports goals are.

Another important fact is that we always dispose of automatically generated content written with the help of artificial intelligence. Thus, all articles and reviews on our website are written by diligent and skillful writers.

Subject Expertise

Warm Body Cold Mind creates Olympic weightlifting training programs, strength & conditioning, and nutrition online programs for athletes of all levels. Founded and guided by the professional Olympic weightlifter Oleksiy Torokhtiy, our team strives to help everyone in their sports path, popularize weightlifting, and make it accessible for every athlete. 

With over 10 years of professional weightlifting training, our team does its best to vouch for high-end and expert-level guidance for athletes and provide personalized customer support. Due to such an immense experience, we understand the needs of every athlete and meet their requirements for their training and nutrition plans. 

Trusted Links, Sources, and Citations

We’re committed to providing our readers with trusted and authoritative sources by ensuring the credibility and relevance of our content. We refer to authentic and true-to-fact research from outside sources and engage our in-house training and nutrition experts. Our writers use only the latest and up-to-date studies and publications to verify the adequacy and integrity of the content.

Additionally, we cite the opinions and share advice from our sports specialists to add reputability and expertise to our articles. The key point and our priority is to bring transparent, acknowledgeable, and trustworthy content supported by proper scientific citations and expert-level ideas and thoughts throughout the articles and guides.

Independence and Impartiality

Being a trustworthy website that covers sports niches, namely weightlifting, we guarantee the full independence and objectiveness of our content. Each weightlifting-related product review and each training or nutrition program was created strictly considering our experts’ professional backgrounds in training and nutrition in general.

No third party influences our sports products and supplement reviews, and we’re not biased to any sports brand we observe or any other credible expert outside our team. We aim to present objective information while analyzing products or supplements: when crafting reviews, all the information is based on our experts’ review while unpacking and assessing the quality of the item directly. This is a firsthand assessment based on objective facts. As a result, we create unbiased content that we try to align with the needs and requirements of our targeted audience.

Accuracy and Corrections

Despite striving to provide as high-quality and fact-checked content as possible, some accidental mistakes may occur. We recognize the importance of eliminating all inaccuracies found on the website.

In case you bump into invalid data or outdated information, we ask you to email us directly at [email protected]. We’ll consider your message, investigate, and correct the confirmed errors to keep the content updated and reliable.

Review Policy

Speaking about the product reviews, we adhere to the step-by-step process including assessing and analyzing the sports training equipment, garments, accessories, and sports supplements. We analyze and test each product considering a specific range of factors, such as durability, comfort, design, reliability, value for money, etc. We select only relevant specs for each item to provide credible and consistent information.

Additionally, to the general information of the product we try to provide readers true assessment by specifying the positives and negatives of each item. So, a reader will be able to make a weighted decision. If you have questions about the product review process, please, email us at [email protected]

How We Make Money

Our income is the result of different forms of collaboration, such as affiliate links, advertising blocks, sponsored product reviews, and arranging events like training programs, educational masterclasses, and seminars.

We put affiliate links to our sports products and supplement reviews. This way we set up affiliate and sponsorship connections with the companies of the same niche, namely those manufacturing weightlifting equipment, sports goods, accessories, and supplements.

We display sponsored posts and products on our website, while the rest of the content contains our opinion based on our personal product reviews and/or information from other sources.


Specializing in weightlifting and sports overall, the Warm Body Cold Mind team is dedicated to providing readers with adequate and reliable information backed by expert opinions and trusted scientific facts.

We are eager to support and advance your fitness goals with the help of professional athletes, credible trainers, and nutritionists who will prioritize your needs. We adhere to high editorial standards to enhance your performance and encourage you to achieve the best results.

Editorial Contact

If you have any questions, comments, or propositions regarding our content, please email us at [email protected]. Additionally, you can fill out the quick form and we will call or write you back as soon as possible.